New CASSlink project

CASSLink is CNS  internet-based data processing and customer management system that facilitates interaction and exchange of information between airlines, freight forwarders and third parties participating in CNS Cargo Accounts Settlement System (CASS).

In order to ensure that CASSlink continues to deliver fast, secure and reliable service to all participants, CNS  kicked-off the new CASSlink project, which aim is to modernize the current CASSlink platform to meet today and tomorrow’s CASS operational needs, making it more operationally efficient as well as more user-friendly.

The implementation of the renewed platform will start late 3rd quarter  2022, subject to systems readiness.

Discover the New CASSlink !

casslink flyier image.jpg



  • User-friendly and intuitive user interface
  • A new XML-based input and output format that is IATA ONE Record compliant, and easy to connect with the users’ in-house system.
  • Global / Regional access with one click
  • Succinct dashboards and online statistics
  • Self-service functions to configure data processing, reports and user management, etc.
  • Real-time reporting and on-line dispute resolution
  • Multi-language, including Asian language
  • New tax calculation mechanism
  • Legal compliance invoice generator
  • Risk assessment tool
  • New payment options




Training Webinar registration as from  Jun-24
Training materials User manual and link to the training materials will be provided Jul-22
Training Attend the training sessions Jul-22
User Management All SFTP users will migrate to new CASSLink platform for the data input profile.  Aug-22
User Management If the current Non-SFTP/Online active user hasn't logged in to the system for the last 6 months (from the date of cutover to the system), the user will not be migrated to the new CASSLink platform.  If the user is required to access the new CASSLink platform, the user should be able to added by their company administrator in new CASSLink directly.  List of current users migrated to new CASSLink with the access right indication will be provided. Aug-22
Users not migrated For users who are not migrated, the company will still see the activity conducted by the users in the past. There will be no impact on the invoicing history  Aug-22
Billing data input file There is no change on the current HOT billing data input file. Aug-22
Output file and Reports There is no change on the current HOT billing data output file. Sample of reports and output file will be provided Aug-22
SFTP connectivity For those with SFTP connectivity, you will be connected by IATA team for new SFTP connectivity prior to the cutover day Aug-22
Sandbox Open the access Early Aug 2022
  Switch off the access to the current CASSLink platform 25-Aug-22
  Access to the new CASSLink platform  29-Aug-22

New CNS CASSLink Platform's Introductory Webinar - Airlines and Agents 

As of 29 August 2022 you will use a new version of CASSLink. Early August, we will open the CASS 2.0 sandbox (dummy system) for you to get acquainted with the new environment.

Airline Webinar Recording

Presentation and videos

New Casslink Airline User Manual

New Casslink Airline User Manual for Reports

Agents Webinar Recording

Presentation and videos

New Casslink Agents User Manual

New Casslink Agents User Manual for Reports
